About the VC-Iitiative

We are delighted to extend our sincerest commendation to the Vice-Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto for his exceptional leadership in introducing the groundbreaking Students Microbusiness Incubation scheme. This transformative initiative reflects the Vice-Chancellor’s unwavering dedication to empowering our students to become job creators rather than job seekers. We are equally grateful for his commitment of 5 Million Naira yearly as the University Equity investment into the scheme.

The Students Microbusiness Incubation scheme marks a significant milestone in our university’s commitment to fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among our students. By providing a dynamic and supportive ecosystem, this scheme equips students with the essential skills, resources, and mentorship to transform their innovative ideas into successful microbusinesses.

We commend the Vice-Chancellor’s foresight in recognizing the critical importance of entrepreneurship in today’s rapidly evolving job market. Through this initiative, students are encouraged to think innovatively, take risks, and embrace the challenges of starting and growing their own businesses. By nurturing their entrepreneurial aspirations, we strive to create a generation of graduates who are well-prepared to make a positive impact on society and create employment opportunities for others.

The Vice-Chancellor’s commitment of 5 Million Naira yearly as the University Equity investment into the scheme further underscores his dedication to providing tangible support for our student entrepreneurs. This financial backing will serve as a catalyst for their success, enabling them to access vital resources, scale their ventures, and contribute to the growth of our local economy.

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the Students Microbusiness Incubation scheme. Witness firsthand how our students are transforming their passion and ideas into thriving enterprises, bolstered by the visionary leadership and generous investment of the Vice-Chancellor.

Together, let us celebrate and support the entrepreneurial spirit of our students as they embark on this exciting journey of becoming job creators and driving economic prosperity. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Vice-Chancellor for his visionary approach and his unwavering commitment to preparing our students for a future where they can shape their destinies and make a meaningful difference in the world.


A M Kabir (PhD)

Director, CED-UDUS

Incubate Conditions

Evidence of Entrepreneurship Training
Student(s) of Usmanu Danfodiyo University
Maximum Required Capital
A well articulated Business plan
Maximum Business Idea Validation Period
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